The creation of jincoin

Provide and gain

A future currency, that counts all your work and resources that you shared and reward you the currency, jincoin.

If you share your computing resource, install the jincoin software and your computer will be used by the cloud and you will automatically be rewarded the jincoin currency.

Your salary and your payment will be replaced with jincoin, based on a voting system, and the software will generate jincoin and issued directly to you.

When you share your house, a system will calculate your contribution and reward you jincoin.

Everything you provide will be transformed to jincoin with a simple mining and voting strategy that combines the world resources.



Don’t give up if it does not break you我有一个20多倍的卖空单次,大概在15400左右。有好几次都差点爆仓。我本来决定爆仓也不在高位卖入。但我想可以减少一点损失。就分别在16400,16200等减仓,致命我的财产从0.053减少到0.02.最让我痛心疾首的是,到了第二天,价格最低点减少到了13500左右。本来我可以有0.几个币的收入,因为最终没有坚持到底,变成了完全损失。当然,减仓防止爆仓并没有做错。我的错误在于,用了太高倍的仓,使我无法等到逆转之时。...…


I have not yet learned the lesson

How about some quit money on fees?bitmex有个合约资金费率,是根据溢价指数计算资金费率。大概就是如果期货价格比现货高,有一定的溢价。那么bitmex为了防止有人故意操纵价格,会对溢价方收取费用补偿给有可能损失的一方。比如现在期货价值比现货价值高,就会有正的溢价,那么做多的人就要交资金费率给做空的人,反之,做空的人交资金费率给做多的。这个费率是8小时计算一次。所以,你完全可以在结算的最后一分钟进行买或者卖,然后赚取溢价费。我有一个几千刀的做空合约,到时间...…
